

That Carbon Fiber Cello

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By now we all probably know that Yo Yo Ma did NOT play his carbon fiber cello at the Inauguration and we didn’t hear the real notes he actually did play. But Mr Ma does play a carbon fiber cello and did play one at the Washington Mall for 10 days in 100-degree heat during a Smithsonian Folklife Festival in 2003. He said that in heat like that he could control the strings on his carbon fiber cello in a way not possible on a wooden cello, and joked that the instrument could probably even double as a barbeque.

The Double Bass is Here

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“The bass sounds just magical in the middle register and totally sings when soloing. Plus it's a ton of fun to play - the sloped shoulders are really comfortable and make accessing the upper register very easy...."

Philip Heyman and Luis Leguia

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Philip Heyman is the principal viola of the Welsh National Opera Orchestra. He owns and plays a Luis and Clark viola. During the month of January, he and Luis Leguia played two recitals at the [...]

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